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103 photos

A camera is merely a black box with a hole in it to let light in, capturing light frequencies.
Human beings are similar, being receptors of vibrations and frequencies but also emit them (radiance, sound, perceptions).
The black box does not think whereas the human 'feels' thoughts. It is often said that somewhere in each of us lies the Soul - a hard to define concept. We know that a camera has no soul and yet it can record emotion, so in photography terms, the soul must lie within the photographer's perception and engagement with reality.
One should be able to 'feel' a photographic image at a deep level thus making the connection with the perceiver’s emotions and engaging its being.
My quest here is to find the 'Soul' in photography, not the camera, but the Universal connection which engages awareness into One principle.
The Principle of the Soul.
The Black Door_4179Grit_4992-7DThe Gateway_2496_localSoul Survivor_0051- 7D1TAO of a Wall_9739-bwDark Star_9673_bwLife in a Bubble_9553First Flight of Dawn_bw_9523Led to the Light_1341Open your MindFlight-of-the-Crows-0048Road through Sherrifmuir-0167-bwPenetrating Darkness-0101Old St Andrew's Blackened History-3656The Matrix Connects_2086Jupiter through Trees_b-w_0017Tree Fright_9034Hallowed Spectre_7853The Sun that Shone Darkly_7135-bwDetrmination_4471