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Visitors 27
46 photos

As summer heralds longer days and light, the sun feeds the land with its warming rays, resurrecting and renewing all organic life. These are the halcyon days when we can make most of our time in daylight hours. A time for rest and holidays perhaps.
Wild Poppies in August_5013_90DWhen Life Gives you Lemons-5D_MG_0252Track Through Bluebells_3423-5DBig Tree in a Green Sea_MG_9467- 5DOrange Poppy_9608Red Amongst Yellow_0584Hay Wheel-20190805_0570Summertime Tweed_0534April Bluebells-0040A Dear Green Place_2263As Morning Breaks_1796- 7DRoll out the Hay_1018-2Peace and Tranquillity by Stobo Castle_0792Purple Clematis_1255- longAspiring to Be_1232Aspiration in Red_4984Hut by the River-4807-08Tranquil Banks-4788-edit2016-07-27-portmore-1833Floral Fire