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45 photos

In this series I explore the dramatic formations of clouds as they continually form, change and reform as our weather patterns change throughout the seasons.

If trees are the 'lungs of the world' Air is their most vital by-product, sucking in carbon dioxide and releasing vital new oxygen.

Our atmosphere can be as gentle as a poet's kiss or as destructive as a demon's fist and our clouds reveal Nature's varying moods.
Unidentified Sky_167The Observer_9437- 5DStrike through the Blue-2646Stormy Sunbeams_4999St Andrew's SkySoul Ascension_col_3208Solo_3117-90D_local-2Soaring FreeSky Jelly Fish_2807Sky Blaze_1318-localSeeing a Way Through_9029- 7DRhapsody in Blue_0512-EditReds and Blues_7807-5D_localRed Cloud Passing_0003Rainbow Clouds_9670Pink Light_4686Passover_4677Paint it Red_0026-7DOut of the Blue_8952Out of the Blue_4741-2