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This gem of a location is just inside the boundary of Dumfries and Galloway on the eastern border of Scottish Borders region. The 60 metre waterfall is the fifth largest in Scotland where the Tail burn feeds down from Loch Skeen further up the valley.
Ice Fall_0237Loch Skeen_Panorama1White Coomb Loch Skeen_0228I Stand Alone_0426A Rugged Land_0422White Coomb Cold Shoulder_0421Tail Burn Head and Path_0218Loch Skeen and Mid Craig_0216Loch Skeen on Spring Equinox_2018_0214Loch Skeen in Ice_0211Tail Burn_0185Freezing Tail_0414Path by Grey Mare's Tail_0168Grey Mare's Tail on IceGrey Mare's Tail Valley_0162Grey Mare's Tail with Ice_0403Grey Mare's Tail_3115Grey Mare's Tail_3211Grey Mare's Tail