How Deep is your Field?

July 05, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

kailzieboho_MG_0139-3kailzieboho_MG_0139-3Fashion photo-shoot at Kailzie Gardens

I firmly believe the best way to learn photography is by actually doing it! That is why I choose to train people in the art through personal one-to-ones, or in small groups. There is no substitute for getting your hands dirty and putting theory into practice.

New technology today means that photography is moving rapidly away from the traditional tools and methods, relying increasingly on effects apps to create a look. Whilst these are interesting in a creative sense, they also rob one of personal creativity, producing factory style 'me-too' images such as on Instagram and smart phones.

As these apps develop in the future, photography will for many, become just like driving a car or operating a computer. People know less and less about how their world works and so are ignorant of the deeper knowledge of it all and how everything comes together to produce a given effect.

For example, what is meant by Depth of Field in photography?

The importance to lens choice in image making is more important than the actual camera or its format, since it is through that eye one sees the world and each lens has different characteristics and potentials depending on choice.

Apps now replicate Bokeh (blur) and other Photoshop-style effects so whilst an image concept can be replicated, the concept and technology behind it get potentially lost. Like any tool, the skill lies in the craftsman or woman who uses it and I accept the youthful, modern photographer, is skilled in software applications at the post-capture editing process. In fact, often a poor photograph can be 'enhanced' to such a degree as to be completely indistinguishable from the original file.

Here then is where the Old-School knowledge comes in handy. You can shoot the effect you want just by having the correct lens and 'controlling the depth of field, or in layman's terms, the amount of an image that is acceptably sharp.

So the next time you are playing with your apps, try and imagine how the effect would be produced conventionally and apply your skill accordingly.

Peace and Tranquillity by Stobo Castle_0792Peace and Tranquillity by Stobo Castle_0792Stobo Castle Health Spa from across the pond. Stobo, Scottish Borders.

Tweed Valley Location


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